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This book is dedicated to Women around the world, I believe it's a time to be reminded of how Women used to be, and to honor the Old Fashion Woman. Somehow, we have became a stereotype, that has been totally turned upside down. We must not forget how significant we are in this world, and how to nurture one another, to uplift each other, to not degrade one another, but to compliment each other. I understand that times have changed, and there's more Women in the workforce, but there's so many amazing values we hold.


In this book you will learn to understand the seeds of a man, there's many seeds a man will have plant on his journey of becoming a man. Learning the steps of life and the problems we deal with as men daily can be quite challenging at times. From childhood to adult hood I will walk you through the steps of a mans path which will provide answers and understanding of the male species. Men and Women are different in many ways but in so many ways we're made for each other. Ladies if your interested in a better understandings of us men, This is a must read!


We believe that it is very important to include love in your life, rather you own a business, or aspire to start a new business. In this book you will find the information needed to succeed in both love and business

Book no.1
Book no.2
Book no.3
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